Until next time…

Happy Spring Time

In such a diverse company, our employees believe in a number of religions and faiths.  For the Christians within the team, we hope you enjoyed a “Happy Easter!” last weekend.

Although we may not all celebrate the same, at this time of year, Spring is on our doorstep for many of us and the first quarter of the year is over.  Now is a time for new beginnings. new hopes and new joys. So additionally, we would like to wish  each of you every happiness for those, along with continued prosperity and success over the next 9 months.

Reynir & Almar

Good shoes take you to good places




On a business trip to Senegal, Reynir forgot to take his shoes.  As it wont do to go to the Central Bank in sneakers, he asked one of the assistants at VoLo if she could help him out, giving her $50 to find him some shoes.  Which she did! Reynir says  these are his best shoes still, after almost 2 years.  Here you can see Reynir putting on those shoes which he has taken to other important meetings worldwide.

Until next time


Someone asked us if our beards makes us hot during summer, we told them it makes us hot all year long! Hahahaha!

Reynir & Almar

Pognophiles rule

Here’s Reynir, our Owner and CEO of Creditinfo Gorup and Almar, CEO of Creditinfo International.  Also known as the “Bearded Beauties”!

a r

Pogonophiles rule!

You can google it, it’s a real word


Branding at its best.

tattooReynir has been branded! And no it’s not a transfer it’s the real thing.

Reynir signs with pride

This year, Creditinfo Iceland, again successfully delivered “Strongest in Iceland”. You can read more about the event below in the Player of the Year award.  The list of strongest companies in Iceland totaled some 1156, of which Reynir signs all of these individually.  No electronic signature or fake signatures, as he likes to do things properly, particularly as these now well renowned and prestigious certificates are very much sought after, as a proud declaration by the recipient companies as one of the Strongest in Iceland. Continue reading »

My job

Reynir GretarssonPeople have predefined ideas about what it is that I do.  I have found that such ideas vary from me being in charge of everything that happens in our company to being in a ceremonial role.  People outside the company typically believe I am involved in much more than I am.  As an example someone I know might contact me and ask for a job.  I would answer that I have only three employees myself and have not hired for 3 years, nor plan to.  A lot of people are being hired by our Group, perhaps close to 1 per week now, but this is not something that is on my table.  And that is not because I am too good for this, but precisely because I believe I am not very good at hiring and supporting people reporting directly to me.  I typically give them tasks and leave it to them.  The “outsiders” also find it strange that I have not been involved in the Icelandic operation at all for many years, even if I am working from the same office.

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We are not only international, we are equal opportunity

blonduosBeing from a small village on the north coast of Iceland and without any contacts whatsoever in the beginning, I did come across barriers related to who I was, as opposed to what I did or could do.

I like to have people with different backgrounds and dispositions in our company.  Not all of are the usual run-of-the-mill international experts.  But this only gives broader perspective to the company and makes it stronger.

I am not sure that what I am saying makes sense to you (all), but I wanted to say it anyway.