Credit Bureau Solution CBS5 by Alexander Novoselov
Today, Alexander Novoselov (known to his friends and colleagues as Sasha) , Senior Business and Software Analyst at Creditinfo Solutions, gave the Creditinfo Academy a presentation on CBS5. This is Creditinfo’s Credit Bureau Solution.
Sasha showed us how the software works and some of the typical data that the system collects and the type of information it outputs, i.e. a credit score and a credit report.
You can watch Alex’s presentation video here: Vimeo
When we develop a credit rating model, it draws upon econometric modeling. This is a science that combines mathematics and statistics allowing the evaluation of the influence of predicted phenomenon – in the case of a Credit Bureau, the probability of defaults on payments. It’s very clever stuff designed by some very clever people who are based in Prague – our software developers and business analysts.
You can find out more about this product on our website