June 2016
Creditinfo created legal precedent in Lithuania to use Big Data in scoring
Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania ruled out a progress decision in Lithuania allowing to use social data, like Facebook, for creditworthiness. That decision is an important step forward easing the way to develope prediction scores based on Big Data.
Creditinfo VoLo signs subscriber’s contracts for service delivery of the Credit Bureau in Togo
La base du crédit de confiance
PRESS RELEASE Lomé, Jun 28th 2016
For French version of Press Release, please click here
Under the aegis of the BCEAO National Directorate for Togo, and in the presence of Professional Associations of Banks and Financial Institutions (ABPEF) and microfinance institutions (APSFD) of Togo, was held this day, a ceremony for the signing contracts for the provision of services between on the one hand, the Credit Bureau (BIC) of the WAMU, Creditinfo VoLo , and, on the other hand, the 21 regulated institutions of Togo, including 13 banks, 2 financial institutions and 6 microfinance institutions (See list in the Annex below). Continue reading »
FCBK Telegram chatbot notifies you of any changes in your credit history
The First Credit Bureau Kazakhstan has launched the first chatbot for financial market on Telegram, a popular Internet messaging app. In addition to the standard features @FCBKbot users can get free and fast own Personal Credit Score, as well as notifications on any changes in their credit history statement. Continue reading »
Creditinfo Malta participation at the Big Data Summit
The Big Data Summit (Malta) is the first event of its kind to be held in Malta aimed at bringing together an international group of business leaders, policy makers and technology leaders to discuss the future of the global economy and how big data and advanced analytics is already transforming the business world as we know it. Crediitnfo Malta were pleased to be a partner of the event and to join one of the dicussion panels.
Panel Discussion: Big data – How brave a new world?
From the left to the right: Joseph Hardin, Vice president of product Leadership, Charles Radclyffe,Serial Entrepreneur and Big Data Expert, Wilfried Grommen, CTO at Hewlett Packard and Simon Camilleri, CEO of Creditinfo Malta.
A.Bogdanovičius becomes Chairman of the Board at consumer loan association
Andrius Bogdanovičius, CEO at Creditinfo Lithuania, was elected as Chairman of the Board at Lithuanian consumer leasing and credit association (LVLKA).
Kazakhstan launches first cloud services for its financial market
The press office of the First Credit Bureau is pleased to announce the launch of new cloud services for the Kazakhstan financial market – FCB Cloud – cloud-based decision-making solution. Now FCB clients have access to cloud services for decision-making automation, the key factor in credit-cycle, as well as to automation of the whole credit conveyor without recourse to major financial outlays and time-consuming IT-related integration processes.
Creditinfo Academy – Gamification by Ieva Bieliunaite
Ieva Bieliunaite, the Marketing Manager from Creditinfo Group explains the concept of gamification. Gamification is the use of design elements characteristic for games in non-game contexts.We use game-based mechanics, aesthetics, and game thinking to engage people, motivate action, promote learning, and solve problems.
PMA aims for better credit allocation with upgraded scoring system
After a number of year of cooperation, Creditinfo have developed a new version of the Scoring Model for PMA.
Read more in the article by Daniel Hinge, Author for CentralBanking.com below
More transparency in Lithuania: no scores for companies hiding finances
Creditinfo Lithuania and state owned Centre of Registers took an joint initiative to encourage companies timely submit yearly financial statements for public registry.
Creditinfo Lithuania will no longer count credit scores for companies that didn’t provide financial statements for Centre of Registers. Instead of credit score, such companies will receive a score class of F0. That class at company’s credit report will come with a warning that company does not comply with the law on the provision of information. Continue reading »
Creditinfo Lithuania presented Property Value app for World Bank
Creditinfo was invited by Centre of Registers to present for World bank delegation first application in Lithuania for pledged property value.
State owned Centre of Registers invited Creditinfo CEO Andrius Bogdanovičius to present application as a good example of public-private partnership (PPP). Creditinfo developed tool is located at Centre of Registers server. Therefore a customer, usually a bank, benefits from direct access to the database and the highest performance.