March 2017
Creditinfo Volo signs contract in Benin and now covers all countries of the West Africa Monetary Union
The signage of contracts for data sharing between the Credit Bureau (BIC) of West Africa Monetary Union (WAMU), Creditinfo Volo and 26 Benin institutions, amongst which 15 banks and 11 other large microfinance institutions, represents a very important step in concluding legal proceedings to build a strong financial ecosystem in West Africa. Benin is the final country from the 8 members of the WAMU to enable such information sharing and therefore will contribute in strengthening and increasing the efficiency of credit management in the whole region.
Creditinfo acquires a Kenyan mobile financial services provider to facilitate financial inclusion
On Friday, 24th March 2017, an agreement was signed between Creditinfo Group and Alternative Circle, a Nairobi-based mobile financial solutions innovator, to facilitate financial inclusion in Africa. Seed capital, as well as extensive Creditinfo expertise in classic and alternative credit risk management, will empower Alternative Circle to enable access to consumer data that was unavailable before, therefore lowering barriers to a wider population to get access to finance.
Lenders in transformation to optimize the use of new data source
The vast data source in the Kenyan credit bureau are currently under utilized by the markets’ banks and MFIs according to credit bureau expert Kamau Kunyiha CEO of Creditinfo Kenya. The lenders will need to transform their processes or be left behind by the competition.