Players of the Month: Samuel White & Paul Randall
This month we’d like to recognise Sam and Paul for all the air miles they have recently clocked up.
Seriously though, their jobs may sound very glamorous, travelling all over the globe to meet the different operational sites and share best practice within the Group and meeting new / potential clients etc. The reality is, these guys can be getting out of bed at an unearthly hour, travelling for 20 hrs or more, delivering presentations having only had a few hours sleep, living out of a suitcase, arriving home in the middle of the night….. and don’t forget they are leaving their loved ones at home.

However, as many of our operational sites have recently told us that they really appreciate a visit from Paul and Sam and the time they spend sharing their knowledge and experience, along with their input on various projects and tenders, we thought we’d give these guys a special mention this month.