Creditinfo Academy Webinar – Socionomix by Daniela Castillo of iMovo

daniela Castillo Daniela Castillo of iMovo delivered a most interesting presentation on Socionomix.

Read Daniela’s bio here

In the video recording, Daniela gives a demonstration of the Socionomix application and explains it’s benefits and features.

Watch the video here or copy paste the URL into your web browser.


Social Media is known to most people, with many of us using it on a personal basis.  Social media also has many positive benefits for business, however, for many of us, this is still quite a confusing area.  Social media has become such a vast scenario that most see the potential, but simply cannot seem to articulate the benefits and returns that it brings.  The value tends to be associated with intangible benefits, such as increased awareness, website traffic and favourable brand perceptions.  Daniela will touch on how awareness and goodwill translate into better business performance and how the effectiveness of social media activities can be measured and why you should measure customer engagement.

 iMovo work with many clients in different industries from car dealers to cruise companies and individual restaurant owners.  Social media can be of benefit to all types of companies including those in the credit and finance industry.

Socionomix enables companies to track and benchmark their social media performance by providing insights into social media activity and engagement.  It allows you to keep tab of the social scenario while also delivering a great insight of what your direct competitors are doing.  Daniela will talk about Socionomix Analytics and Monitoring discussing the benefits and features of both.