Hakon & Megan on CVM Sunrise, Jamaica

Creditinfo Iceland & Creditinfo Jamaica – on CVM at Sunrise discussing “How does the Jamaican sector match up internationally and what are the next steps for the Credit Bureau in Jamaica”.

Watch it here:

More info: Megan Deane and Hakon Stefansson



Players of the month: Hákon Stefánsson and IBCH Ukraine

hakon - old picIndividual Player –  Hákon Stefánsson 

Since the new laws on consumer credit were introduced in Iceland in October 2013, the  number of downloads of the Creditinfo Iceland Credit Report for Individuals have increased enormously.  It is now much harder for people in Iceland to get overdrafts, car loans and any kind  of consumer debt.  The positive aspects of the new law, is that those people with good credit scores will benefit from better interest rates on their loans.
This is excellent news for us too, as our products fit really well with the requirements of the new legislation. However, we are also developing new products specifically in accordance with those requirements. These products are designed to accelerate and simplify lending to individuals under the stringent conditions of the new legislation and to ensure security of transactions.

As such, our very own Beckham look alike, Hákon Stefánsson was on prime time TV in Iceland – you can watch the clip athttp://www.ruv.is/neytendamal/betri-vextir-fyrir-betri-pappira(starts at 14:48mins to 21mins).  You’ll see he looks particular relaxed in front of the camera, so we expect the call from SKY SPORTS to do a stand in for David will come soon.

Team Players – IBCH Ukrainejongauti-2

Jón Jóhannesson and the team in Ukraine have had an excellent month with more than an 80% increase in Sales and a massive 247% increase in EBITDA. If you still don’t know what EBITDA is, it’s how much profit a company makes with its present assets and its operations on the products it produces and sells.