Creditinfo Lithuania ISO27001 certified

Creditinfo Lietuva collects, stores and analyses information about the creditworthiness of businesses and individuals, assesses their credit history and assigns appropriate credit ratings. To meet the highest data security standards, the bureau introduced an ISO certified information security management system in 2014.
The system complies with the requirements of ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and is constantly reviewed, revised and subject to annual audits. On 26 April 2021, “Creditinfo Lietuva” successfully passed the periodical annual audit performed by “Bureau Veritas”.
The audit assessed the entire organization against 22 compliance criteria, including the competence and data security awareness of leadership and staff, information security management, business management procedures, sharing of responsibilities, management of documents, planning and control, activity monitoring and analysis, internal audit procedures, ability to swiftly resolve issues, continuous improvement, etc.
The audit also assessed the competence of employees of all levels, security of the information systems, IT and support, compliance of the information analysis and sales departments with the ISO requirements. The physical security and business policies of Creditinfo Lietuva were addressed by the audit as well.
The 2021 audit concluded that the information security management system of Creditinfo Lietuva meets the highest standards and can be considered a good practice. Data security in the company is given the highest priority, internal and external risks are constantly monitored and analyzed, and the company is prepared to address the risks in a professional manner.