TOP 1000: Lithuanian leaders demonstrated outstanding resilience

In Lithuania, Creditinfo actively cooperates with business media, providing diverse analytical information in the form of various sectoral reviews and highlighting trends in the key business performance indicators. Every year the main business media channel, the Verslo žinios (Business News), publishes a list of TOP 1,000 largest Lithuanian companies reflecting on the changes that took place over the last year.
In July, the Verslo žinios published its latest update of TOP 1,000 list of business companies compiled based on Creditinfo’s data and corporate financial statements filed in 2020. Luckily, a positive trend can be seen: as many as 59 percent of companies saw their income grow over the last year, which was stimulated also by decision of the global leaders aiming at economic recovery.
At the courtesy of the Verslo žinios editorial staff we are publishing a part of the exhaustive publication; the link to the original article is provided at the end of the text.
Published on 16 July 2021.
- The Verslo žinios presents the latest update of TOP 1,000 list of Lithuanian companies.
- Major businesses have successfully adjusted to the new reality.
- Business leaders generated 24.7% more pre-tax income in 2020 than before the pandemic.
- According to Creditinfo’s data, one third of TOP 1,000 companies reduced the likelihood of delayed payments.
- Biotechnological company UAB “Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics” skyrocketed to the third position on the list.
Contrary to the gloomy pandemic predictions, the pre-tax income of the 1,000 largest Lithuanian companies in 2020 grew by a quarter. Although some of the major corporations were hit really hard by COVID-19, a substantial proportion of them rose up to the challenge transforming themselves and reporting unexpected returns.
These trends are reflected in the TOP 1,000 list of the largest Lithuanian companies drawn jointly by the Verslo žinios and Creditinfo based on income data for 2020. The list includes companies which filed their financial statements in time, i.e., by 31 May, with the Centre of Registers (CR).
Income plummeted against growing profit
Traditionally, the TOP 1,000 list is dominated by companies from three economic sectors, such as: wholesale and retail (381 company), manufacturing (263 companies), transportation and storage (136 companies). All these taken together account for more than three fourths of all the companies on the list.
Almost 500 of businesses are located in Vilnius county, another third operates in Kaunas and Klaipėda counties (223 and 107 companies, respectively). The list includes 76 companies with fewer than 10 employees.
Last year 1,000 of the largest Lithuanian companies generated EUR 51.3 bln. income, i.e., 1.3% less than in 2019. However, in aggregate, these companies earned EUR 3.3 bln. of pre-tax profit, which is an increase of 24.7% from 2019.
Profit of major companies grew the fastest
The growth of TOP 1,000 companies was far more robust than that of the reminder businesses. According to preliminary estimates of the Department of Statistics, in 2020 in Lithuania non-financial companies generated EUR 96.3 bln. income and EUR 6.7 bln. pre-tax profit: in comparison to 2019, the income shrank by 0.4%, while pre-tax profit grew by 3.9%.
Last year 10 companies passed a symbolic threshold of 0.5 bln. of sales income, five of which are retail or wholesale companies. Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics, UAB skyrocketed to the third place on the list, reporting EUR 1.26 bln. in turnover.
“Despite the prevailing trend of moderately shrinking income amongst the largest 1,000 Lithuanian companies compared against 2019, and a decreasing number of staff, companies generated almost 25% higher profit before tax. An obvious leader in this category is the biotechnological company Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics, UAB – a manufacturer of COVID-19 reagents and vaccine components. Its pre-tax profit reached EUR 472.6 mln., thus securing the company the first place among the leading companies in terms of this indicator”, said Jekaterina Rojaka, head of business development and strategy at Creditinfo.
According to Indrė Genytė-Pikčienė, chief economist at INVL Asset Management, UAB, a more rapid profit growth among the top 1,000 companies demonstrates the success of major companies in making the best out of the pandemic situation.
Usually, due to the advantage of scale, large companies have more leverage and freedom of manoeuvre than the smaller ones in the face of unexpected circumstances, when they have to negotiate with creditors, suppliers, and other partners”, she explained.
The original publication may be accessed here:
Eglė Markevičienė
Jovita Budreikienė