3rd Regional CIS Conference in Kenya
Credit Information Sharing association (CIS) regional conferences are held in Nairobi to help create awareness on the developments of CIS in Kenya and the region. This is a 2 day regional conference arranged by CIS Kenya, followed by a 2 day National Business Community Summit.
This year, Agata Szydlowska, Head of Financial Inclusion and CRB Awareness Africa was invited to discuss the benefits of Credit Scoring. The Creditinfo Kenya team also exhibited at the conference too, during which Duke Opsahl, Head of Sales & Development, Creditinfo Kenya, was invited to deliver information about our Credit Bureau products. Shane Moldenhauer, Regional Manager for East & South Africa, Daniel Kanyi, CEO Creditinfo Kenya, along with Van Reynders, CEO Creditinfo Tanzania and Adamou Sambare, CEO Creditinfo VoLo were also in attendance spreading the good word. It was a great networking event for all who attended, having met with lots of people, including the Governor of the Central Bank of Kenya, Mr Patrick Ngugi Njoroge (pictured below speaking at the event).