Creditinfo West Africa Hits 20 Million Contracts
Creditinfo West Africa today marked a major milestone by hitting the 20 million contracts threshold and growing, in the regional Credit Information Bureau (BIC) making it a historic day for Creditinfo West Africa, the entire UEMOA region and Creditinfo Group.
Creditinfo’s “CIP Score” Between evolution and improvement: a powerful tool for risk management in a more digital financial environment
The core business of commercial banks and other lenders, at the most basic level, is to sell money. To loan an amount with a negotiated re-payment schedule with interest, is a process that allows the economy to finance itself. But for this cycle to be sustainable in the long term, it must be carried out with both vigilance and responsibility. The “credit risk” of a client, their probability of reimbursement, and differentiating between “good” and “bad” clients are basic yet essential elements to loan in a profitable and durable manner.