Creditinfo Georgia has successfully passed a Registration Process by the National Bank of Georgia
Since September 3, 2018, Creditinfo Georgia is an officially registered credit information bureau by the National Bank of Georgia. Creditinfo Georgia, founded in 2005 by leading banks and Creditinfo International, is the only credit bureau operating in Georgia. Its mission is to support and assist the credit organizations in simplification and refinement of their lending process and managing credit. Creditinfo Georgia assists financial organizations by providing all necessary tools and information for credit risk management, and at the same time strives to increase financial literacy among existing or potential borrowers. Creditinfo Georgia helps National Bank of Georgia in improving credit management and lending process, by providing all necessary data, which is used by the National Bank to identify problems and weaknesses in lending sector and make information decisions for solving these problems.
National Bank accepted a road map provided by the company regarding implementation of all necessary procedures to comply to regulatory requirements. Creditinfo Georgia continues its operations and plans activities in two major direction: increasing of credit education in the country and delivering necessary instruments, information and expertise for credit risk management.
Creditinfo Georgia – SME Access to Finance
By Nataliya Soldatyuk and Elene Zoninashvili
The economy is not dominated by large and multinational corporations. SME‘s are greatly responsible for economic growth and therefore an important sector to focus on. Creditinfo Georgia has invested to develop specific tools to help companies provide better, more effective decisions to enable greater access to finance for SMEs.
In Europe, for instance, 99% of businesses are small and medium enterprises, and in the same time they contribute 58 cents in every euro in economy. This situation is not specific to the Europe. Continue reading »
Creditinfo Georgia: A decade of great teamwork, entrepreneurship and vision
Creditinfo Georgia, the only active Credit Bureau in Georgia, was established in February 2005 and is now celebrating 10 years of successful business growth. A celebration for more than 100 customers, shareholders and partners was held at the Rustaveli Theatre in Tbilisi, Georgia. Continue reading »
4th Annual Central Asia & Caucasus Microfinance Forum
Last week, Paul Randall, Chairman of Creditinfo Georgia & Director of Business Development Creditinfo International and Alexander Gomiashvili, CEO Creditinfo Georgia, attended the 4th Annual Central Asia and Caucasas Microfinance Forum in Tblisi, Georgia.
The Forum focused on the main opportunities and challenges for investments in the region, as well as, on the main issues in responsible finance. Paul Randall chaired the Forum and also delivered a presentation to the many attendees from the industry.
Annual Central Asia & Caucasus Microfinance Forum? 16 – 17 Oct 2014 – Tbilisi, Georgia.
Have you registered yet for the Annual Central Asia & Caucasus Microfinance Forum? 16 – 17 Oct 2014 – Tbilisi, Georgia. Paul Randall, Chairman of the Board, Creditinfo Georgia, will be speaking on “How Credit Bureaus adding value to data supports MFIs”
Please come along and meet Paul …
For more info visit:
Over 6 million Creditinfo Predictor Scores in just one year
The increased availability of credit in Georgia over the last few years has led to the financial institutions needing to ensure that above all, those customers it is lending to, are of good credit risk. High quality credit risk management assessment is of equal key importance, for both the customers, in order that they are dealt with in a responsible manner, and for the lenders, to have good quality portfolios.
Banks and other financial institutions have identified through their in-depth analysis that, one of the critical components of high quality credit assessment in Georgia is the Creditinfo Predictor Score provided by Creditinfo Georgia, which enables them to understand the risk of individuals or businesses that are requesting credit. Not only is this Score used when assessing credit, but also for regular checks of the customer’s credit worthiness, in order that, outstanding loans and credit card agreements can be assessed before any serious repayment problems occur.
Creditinfo Predictor provides a most powerful and effective way of assessing the information held at Creditinfo credit bureaus. Evaluating credit bureau data is an integral part of the consumer lending process. The potential of this data goes far beyond the existence, or not, of historic bad payments. The in-depth analysis performed by Creditinfo as part of the development of Creditinfo Predictor for both businesses and individuals, unlocks the full power of the data. This includes economic data, credit activity and demographic information. Continue reading »